June 18, 2012

Earl Grey Cupcakes

The other day I found a blog called Bake Love Not War, and found the perfect cupcake recipe for me. Earl Grey Cupcakes. I am a huge tea fan. I love tea, and finding a recipe with tea in it? Oh, man. Heaven. I didn't take any really fancy photos of my cupcakes, but an iPhone photo will just have to do. Seeing as my fancy-pants camera seems just a little too far away from me when all I want to do is eat cupcakes and drink tea.

Unfortunately I am an American so I had to find an online measurement converter to know how many teaspoons and not grams I needed of butter and what the F and not C I needed to preheat my oven to. Over all these cupcakes were super easy to make, and very light in taste. Not too sweet, but tastes just enough like tea.

I loved these cupcakes and highly recommend you try them out too.

Recipe over here.

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