Misguided Angel, A Blue Bloods Novel (Book 5)
Author: Melissa De La Cruz
Published: October 2010
Past posts: The Van Alen Legacy (Book 4), The Blue Blood Series
Summary: Book five picks up where book four, The Van Alen Legacy, left off. Schuyler finds Jack who has left Mimi for her. Mimi has vowed to kill Jack for his betrayal, and De La Cruz introduces a new character in the series, Deming.
I have to say that I was really disappointed in where this series is going. The fifth installment of a projected thirteen book series was very much lacking in where it is going. It was a complete filler in a series that is shaping up to fall short of my expectations. Whole plot points, like Bliss and Charles, where placed on the back burner while I wasted 300 pages and hours of my time waiting for the point of this book. Other than to add in Deming to the mix and tell you that Mimi is going to kill Jack for his betrayal not much happened, and I was seriously disappointed in how Jack and Schulyer were presented as a couple. If I had to read them call each other "love" one more time I was ready to throw the book at the wall. It felt like a complete waste of my time.
Perhaps other readers will gobble up filler books while waiting for the actual plot to continue but I won't. I'm not at all happy with wasting my money on a filler novel that made little to no head-way into the actual plot of the series. I don't plan on wasting any more money to find out how the series ends as well. Thanks but no thanks Melissa De La Cruz. I really enjoyed this series up to this point. I know that others reading this review will want me to point out other reasons for disliking this book, but honestly that was it. The writing was the same as it ever was, the characters haven't really changed, and not much happened. That was all it took for me to drop this series.
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