If you thought Tinseltown was tough . . .Tori Spelling might have grown up with everything a girl could wish for, but these days she’s just another suburban working mom . . . whose toddler regularly recognizes her in the pages of US Weekly. Welcome to Mommywood, where the stars are two feet tall and your neighbors know who you are before you move in. Like most parents, Tori wants her children to have the one thing she didn’t have as a kid—a normal family. On their hit Oxygen reality show, Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood, the starlet and her husband Dean McDermott regularly wrestle dirty diapers, host the neighborhood block party, and tackle temper tantrums on the red carpet. But when the cameras aren’t rolling, Tori’s still having awkward run-ins with a former 90210 costar at a laser tag birthday party, scooping rogue poo out of the kiddie pool on a resort vacation, and racing to win back her pre-baby body before the media starts calling her fat. For all her suburban fantasies, Tori Spelling is no June Cleaver. With the same down-to-earth wit that made her entertaining memoir sTORI telling a #1 New York Times bestseller, Tori tells the hilarious and humbling stories of life as a mom in the limelight, from learning to be the kind of parent her own mother never was to revealing what it’s like to raise a family while everyone is watching. Mommywood is an irresistible snapshot of celebrity parenthood that you won’t get from the paparazzi. (Synopsis from B&N.com)Yes, I seriously read this book. Yes, I actually liked it! And, no, I don't really make it habit to read celebrity tell-alls. Let alone Tori's first book, sTORI Telling. I know near to nothing about the Tori Spelling nor have I really watched any of her movies. So, why then would I be compelled to read Mommywood. I honestly have no idea. I find Tori and Dean's story to be the anti-Angelina and Brad in that I had no idea that Tori and Dean fell in love while he was still married. It is also something that is talked about in this book, and while I don't love that Dean was married before I can see the love he has for Tori and their children in this book. Tori and Dean talk about thier marriage with honestly and openness that you just don't normally see in mostly Hollywood relationships.
Also, confession time, I had actually watched a couple episodes of Tori and Dean's reality show when Tori was pregnant with Liam...now that Liam is 3 years old, um, I've missed quite a few episodes. However I enjoyed what few episodes I have seen, and I suppose because of that I wanted to read Mommywood. Again, I enjoyed this book for what it was. Tori made fun of herself in that she is a pampered Hollywood child. She isn't used to doing things on her own, and, being an only child, doesn't know what it's like to care for another human being. Her husband, Dean, however has not only had a child with his previous wife, but grew up in entirely different non-Hollywood culture. Tori talks about her insecurities in not only raising her son, but raising her daughter, Stella, and not making the same mistakes that her mother did with her.
I loved Tori's voice in this book. Her ability to make fun of herself and take you almost seemingly into her life made this book relateable. Yes, it was relateable because I think, despite your cultural background, you would be equally scared changing your baby's diaper or raising a daughter without your personal hang-ups. We are all the same deep down, and this book makes Tori so much more human to those who just see her as a Star.
Read this book. Especially if you are going to have a baby. I really think that this book can make you laugh and nod your head in understanding.
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