About Me

About Me:

My name is Samantha, and I am currently a Pre-K teacher. I live in South Texas with my husband. I love to read even though reading has been on the back burner during the two years I worked to get my school librarian certification. Before I decided to pursue my school librarian certification I was a reference librarian for a local university.

The blog, Reading. Happily., was originally created around 2006. It was originally a requirement when I was a grad student. I was to pick one book, read it, and then review it. After the class this blog laid dormant for years sadly neglected and alone. In August 2009 the blog was dusted off and started over. 

Most books featured on this blog are Young Adult and range in genre including fantasy, dystopian, romance, issue, and slice-of-life books. I also read some non-fiction, adult fantasy, and graphic novels. I also try to update with recipes and crafts.

My husband and I also share our space with two cats. Big Kitty, our gray long-hair, was found when I worked at the university. She was such a tiny thing covered with dirt and fleas. She is a sweet cat who still runs away from me if I should get up or move when she's sitting next to me.

Little Kitty, the orange short-hair, was found in my mother-in-law's backyard. Besides being affectionate he is also always getting into trouble! 

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